Articles » Three Modern Bathroom Remodeling Ideas for the Washington State Homeowner

Three Modern Bathroom Remodeling Ideas for the Washington State Homeowner

Tags: Home Improvement, Bathroom Remodeling

The trend in modern housing in Washington State is to make the bathroom a destination for relaxation as well as the necessities. Modern bathroom fixtures and additional components of sauna and hot tub add value to the dwelling if put on the market for sale. To achieve relaxation, a bathroom needs a fresh look and feel inspired by the calming of natural décor, colors and shapes, windows and solar tunnels plus fixtures that provide reliable and comforting service.

Three Modern Bathroom Remodeling Ideas
Bathtub of the Future
When remodeling a bathroom, incorporate ideas that better reflect the owner’s situation and possible future needs. A bathtub with whirlpool capabilities is an excellent addition for warm and pulsating waters to enhance relaxation. Bathtubs with whirlpool come in corner, oval, rectangle and walk-in styles. Custom colors as well as traditional white match or augment nearly every possible theme or color scheme. The ease of entry without climbing over a tub side, plus a built in seat, makes a walk-in tub an excellent choice for the infirmed as well as athletic type experiencing a rough patch in their performance level. A walk-in tub gives the bather a soaking bath plus the experience of a Jacuzzi spa, seated in comfort and surrounded with warm pulsating waters.

Not a Basic White Toilet
Toilets are boring, and the most boring one of all is the basic white toilet. Consider a change to a bidet or washlet for a change. Bidets are basically a boring toilet, but with an invigorating and hygienic twist. Bidets include features which were rarely used in the United States until just recently. The features of a bidet include anus washing, bidet washing, seat warming and deodorization, plus automatic lid open and closure, hence its descriptive summarized name – warm water cleaning toilet seat. Modern bidets are high-tech with a wireless remote control panel to control the temperature of the seat, massage options, water jet and temperature settings, blow dryer, automatic flushing and automatic lid opening and closing. The control panel is mounted on the toilet or on a nearby wall for ease of control. Some remote controls may be set with room temperature controls, too. A washlet may be sat on facing the tank or away from the tank, or both ways for a total cleansing.

Another option is the installation of a urinal, too. The urinal and bidet may be set side by side to take advantage of available space.

One Size Fits All Shower
Household occupants come in all shapes and sizes. A “One Size Fits All Shower” has no ledges or rims, a central drain and a single shower head mounted on the ceiling or an array of not so conventional shower heads at various levels. This type of shower configuration can accommodate someone in a wheelchair or other mobility device with no ledges to overcome. A shower chair or stool will easily fit in its confines, too. Its location would be ideal in a mud room or close to the entry from outdoor activities. Parental unit and child(ren) can easily rinsing off sand, salt and the rest of the day’s residue after a day in the sun. In Washington State, this shower configuration is great for removing snow and ice from outdoor clothing and then showering the person in charge of snow removal. After a soak in the hot tub in the backyard, a quick shower gets you ready for the next event.
The basic concept of this type of shower is its no borders concept. This can be achieved with the use of an extended, oversized shower curtain or with Plexiglas held in place with waterproof sealants. The current bathtub or shower drain may be modified for best drainage along with the use of sloping floors with waterproofing.

For bathroom remodeling ideas in Washington State, go here: